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  • Writer's pictureHema Shet


Mix Seeds Laddo is one of the healthiest options to satiate those hunger pangs. These ladoos are rich in vitamins and help you feel full so that you do not crave something to eat for a longer duration. These nutritious energy balls keeps you super active and healthy.


· Sesame seeds – ¼ cup (black or white)

· Sunflower seeds – ¼ cup

· Pumpkin seeds – ¼ cup

· Flax seeds – ¼ cup

· Dates & Black munnaka – 1 cup

· Ghee – 1 tbsp

· Melted Jaggery (one string consistency) – as required


· Take a pan add sesame seeds and roast until it pops up.

· In the same pan add sunflower seeds, roast till it turns light brown in colour.

· Now add pumpkin seeds and roast till it turns light brown in colour.

· Add flax seeds and roast until it pops up.

· In the same pan

· In the same pan add ghee and fry dates and black munnaka for 1-2 minutes.

· Allow all the seeds to cool down completely.

· Now take a mixer jar crush everything.

· Combine the crushed seeds and crushed dates and black munnaka.

· Make small sized ladoos.

· In case, if you find it difficult to make ladoos then add melted jaggery.

· Consume this healthy energy boosting ladoos in the morning before or after breakfast with a glass of milk.

***In the video I have made larger batch of ladoos but have mentioned the proportion that I have mentioned in the post.

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