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Ultimately, we gravitate towards ..'Food'

We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that !! with a full tummy :-) 

'Hema Food Studio' serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on. 

Food brings joy and contentment, to every living being on this planet.  The happiness of feeding others and the satisfaction of watching contented faces, motivated me to share & connect recipes with food-art. Alongside nutrition, food, that is presented artistically, strongly appeals to the olfactory senses. 

'Hema Food studio' is an attempt to share and display recipes in the virtual world & reach out to people in the real world !! The basics of cooking were inherited from my 'Queen Mother' who is no less than a queen who reigns supreme in the kitchen.  The love affair with cooking continues till date, with encouragement from my family & friends.  I dream of recipes while asleep and love to breathe life into them while awake. I look forward to share my dreams through 'Hema Food Studio'

Hema Banare Shet 


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©2022 by Hema Food Studio. Proudly created by Soham Shet.

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